How It Started

"How what started?", you ask? How my fascination with creative photography started.
I think I have always had a fascination with photography, from the days of the disk and disposable cameras to the onset of the digital camera, I have loved capturing images and reflecting on them. And one image in particular I think really set of my appreciation for creative photography. That is the picture above.
It start with my partner (Sophia) and I going to a friends Vegas wedding. That in itself was a creative adventure I will never forget. The hotel was fantastic and the Graceland wedding chapel was icon.

After the wedding we had a lovely time at the reception, and of course I had my camera along. Ah so long ago, we look so young!

While we were hanging out, we noticed the cake topper and the rose pedals that were placed about. I started taking pictures of them as I found them intriguing.

From there, the imagination took over and others contributed to the thought of using the rose pedals in a picture to make for a bit of a private moment... and presto...

The start of my creative photography adventure! 😃