Jumping Over The Moon

Jumping Over The Moon

JUMPING OVER THE MOOM (a little bit of fun poetry)

Hey Diddle Diddle?
The Cat and The Fiddle?
The cow jumped over the moon?
What kind of nonsense is that?
I’m lucky if I can jump off the ground!
What’s with these crazy expectations of me?
Jumping over the moon…
I wouldn’t, I couldn’t, and I can’t.
I won’t, I don’t, and I shan’t.
I will sit here at ease and do as I please
Until some sense comes back to your head
And you ask something else of me instead.
Jumping over the moon…
You must be a loon
To expect that of me.
Why, I can’t even climb a tree!
Oh how I tire of all this odd desire
That on me you lay and expect me to obey.
I am a cow, not a cat.
I don’t jump or meow and that’s that!

(From a book idea I never finished, "Rantings of A Mad Cow")